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Bound By Naked Skies

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Formed in 2021, the band features members of noteworthy Brooklyn based projects such as Pawns, People's Temple, Porvenir Oscuro, Android, Hustler and more. 

Though this roster of past and alternate musical endeavors exposes a diverse range of genre and skill sets, Lathe of Heaven can only be understood as a departure from such influences, exploring a sound entirely of its own. 

Now nearly two years later,Lathe of Heaven are finally prepared to unleash their debut Full Length Bound by Naked Skies. With careful consideration, this eleven track LP blends elements of British New-Wave and Finnish Post-Punk into a nuanced juxtaposition of 80s sonic mania. Incorporating themes of classic and contemporary Science-Fiction, Bound by Naked Skies indebts itself as much to its literary influences as it does to the music that informs its unique and deliber-ate sound. Paying powerful homage to the uncanny worlds of authors Arthur C. Clarke, Octavia Butler, Ken Liu and of course Ursula Le GuM (whose novel the band is named after), themes of cosmology ("Ekpyrosis"), simulation ("Her-alds of the Circuit-Born"), mental illness ("Moon-Driven Sea"), and ontology ("EntroprThe Spider" etc.), weave implicitly throughout the arch of the record, providing a sense of insight into the minds of those plagued by the ambiguous nature of humankind's terrifying and not-so-distant future. 

Released: September 2023 
Cat: SBR328
Label: Sacred Bones
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