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Louden Up Now (2021)

by !!!
Sold out
Original price £20.00
Current price £15.00

Availability: Not in stock or no longer available

Availability: Not in stock or no longer available


!!! (Chk Chk Chk) brings a punk aesthetic to the style-over-substance world of dance music. With the release of Louden Up Now, !!! Exceeded all expectations while simultaneously silencing doubters. Slithering bass lines, driving percussion, echo-laden guitar, and call-and-response vocals come together. Louden Up Now was recorded bi-coastally at studios and practice spaces in the fall of 2003. A portion of the tracks were culled from rehearsal tapes, then fleshed out in a live setting. Others were shaped through a cross-country tape/computer trade. Mixing was done by !!!, Justin VanDerVolgen, Chris Coady, Andros Rodriguez, and Maurice Fulton.

“Take all the parts of disco that don’t suck, mix in a dash of post-whatever aural experimentation and viola! Instant bi-coastal dance party.” Village Voice

“[!!!] is so impressive that shouting wildly is the only natural reaction.” CMJ.

Released: January 2021
Cat: TG234LP   
Label: Touch and Go Records

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