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by Tenebra
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Moongazer takes the stoner story a stage further with nine slabs of crushing fuzzed up grooves, fuelled by 70’s proto metal, hard rock, punk, psych-blues and noise, loaded with great riffs and melody and topped off by gutsy soulful vocals. Musically, you could say that Tenebra occupy similar musical terrain to bands such as Graveyard, Witchcraft, Kadaver and other bands of that ilk, but Tenebra are very much their own beast. They have all the chops of course, but are musically less slavish, often adding a twist that keeps the songs fresh and now. There’s also very little reliance on Sabbath-isms (apart from one cheeky nod) and though occult rock is also part of the vibe, the music steers well clear of the cliches. In fact the band bring a clutch of left field influences into their melting pot as well, from June of 44 and Love Battery to the Misfits and the psych grunge of Screaming Trees.

Released: April 2022
Cat: NHSLP036X  
Label: New Heavy Sounds



1. Heavy Crusher
2. Cracked Path
3. Black Lace
4. Carry My Load
5. Winds Of Change
6. Stranded
7. Space Child
8. Dark And Distant Sky
9. Moon Maiden

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