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Songs of Praise

by Shame
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Would you look at these young scamps, aren’t they sweet? No, actually, they’re not. They’re bloody charged, and far more fiery than I ever remember being at that age. After steadily climbing anticipation, these five young London chaps release their debut album, the ironically titled, search engine destroying Songs Of Praise.

After the hotly-followed singles circulated in the last two years; Tasteless, Visa Vulture  and Concrete; Songs Of Praise is a heck of a first fist at a full length record. With ‘the tunes’ of The Cribs and the ethos of Idles, Shame have the hallmark of future British heavyweights.

Practising out of – and in the early days performing in – The Queen’s Head pub in Brixton (the same birthing pool of the Fat White Family no less), Shame as a band have grown up around drugs, piss and confrontation and you can feel these influences at play; these old school friends are absolutely, almost scarily fearless in their delivery, a trait certainly born of their mature surroundings.

While they last, Songs Of Praise is available as the proverbial hot cake that is a limited blue 12” vinyl; likely out of stock as you read this, right?

Released: January 2018
Cat: DOC144LP
Label: Dead Oceans

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