“Small Changes” was produced alongside Danger Mouse and Inflo, the team behind the globally acclaimed “KIWANUKA” and its equally acclaimed predecessor, “Love & Hate”. The new record was recorded between London and Los Angeles. The core trio made up of Kiwanuka and his trusty co-producers expanded into a wish-list ensemble that featured legendary bassist Pino Palladino (D’Angelo, John Mayer, Beyoncé) and Jimmy Jam of the iconic Jam and Lewis songwriting and production duo (Janet Jackson, Prince, SOS Band).
A welcome return for one of Britain’s most talented of songwriters, most recognisable of vocalists, and most virtuosic of guitarists.
Released: November 2024
Label: Polydor
Floating Parade
Small Changes
One And Only
Rebel Soul
Lowdown (part i)
Lowdown (part ii)
Follow Your Dreams
Live For Your Love
Stay By My Side
The Rest Of Me
Four Long Years