This would be a special item that i bring with myself all life along
What becomes the clearest truth as you listen is that The Slow Rush is a more straightforward record than Currents. That doesn’t mean easier or less good; just that some of the intensity and difficult narrative of Currents isn’t here and that The Slow Rush is a more natural album to listen to. Where Currents felt harassed and dangerous, The Slow Rush is far less urgent. Not to take its name too literally but The Slow Rush really does move at a languid pace. Songs burn slowly and groove without breaking sweat; the record is after all built entirely around the idea of the passing of time.
This slovenly approach also produces some of Parker’s gentlest moments yet. ‘Tomorrow’s Dust’ veers a little close to electro-pop ballad but thrillingly is one of the few tracks in many years that come somewhere close to the very first album. It has the offbeat snappy drums and the swirling psychedelic flange that was synonymous with Innerspeaker all those years ago. On Track continues the down-tempo theme, though for the first time does start to risk the chill-wave approach overstay its welcome.
Perhaps to be expected if you’ve followed the evolution of Tame Impala, The Slow Rush is even further along the electronica scale – at times almost entirely unrecognisable to the Tame of a decade ago; that is until Parker glides in with his swooning “who else but Kevin Parker” vocal, the one constant of every Tame record.
This is an album founded on reflection and times gone by and if you are content without Currents II then you’ll be happy. Where The Slow Rush fits in your Tame Impala best ever album poll is up for debate, but what is for sure is that Parker has, without question, now hit four for four.