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Original price £20.00
Current price £15.00

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Kill Your Boyfriend are a two-piece psych-tinged, post-punk outfit formed in 2011 in Venice, Italy. They are Matteo Scarpa on guitar and vocals, and Antonio Angeli on drums. They have released two albums on Shyrec Records, as well as several singles and EPs, including a 10" split with fellow Venetians New Candys in 2015 and they have performed extensively across Europe since their creation. In Killadelica, the focus of the songs shifts from the person being killed, to the killer. It is the band's first album that features female names as track titles, which are taken from real female serial killers. The band explain that “the tracks are inspired by their stories and attempts to unravel the feelings that led them to make such extreme gestures, their motivations and emotions - revenge, hatred, search for power, lust, avarice.” They further explain that “the themes explored point to an unfortunate fact, that most of these forces are still present in modern society.” There are no two tracks alike, just as is the case with the people whose stories are being told. There is no doubt that Killadelica is dark, and yet whilst exploring a topic that most would consider macabre, Killadelica's sound explodes into kaleidoscopic and luminous reflections of light, creating a weighty juxtaposition that makes the album a must listen to for anyone of a psychedelic, post-punk or even industrial persuasion.

Released: November 2020
Cat: S9030-12
Label: Sister 9 Recordings

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